Technology we can't live without

 Think about something they use every day, a tool or technology you cannot live without. Then, think about a time in which the item was new to you.  How did you learn to use it?  How has their use of the tool changed over time?

One thing comes to mind when you ask about something kids use everyday and a technology I can't live without and that is my iPad. I use my iPad everyday whether that be videos or writing my blog, I always have my iPad. Same with most of the kids now. Many of them have their iPads that have their games and their photos and their google apps for school, but you never see them without it. 

I had gotten my first iPad when I was a Freshman in high school. I had just gotten and iPhone maybe two to three years prior to getting my iPad, so learning the new device was simple. I could never understand all the updates though. My iPad was constantly updating and it was frustrating because all I wanted was to write on my iPad.

I learned to use my iPad mostly from friends and my sister. There was also a bit of trial and error thrown in there, but eventually I understood that it was exactly like my phone. I am always learning new tricks from my friends and sister still, but the internet also has shown me a new trick or two. 

I believe that their use of the tool has changed over time by becoming something more used for school and learning other than just watching videos or playing games. I feel that more students use their iPads as something to do their school work on because google is very accessible to them. I can create a whole google slide presentation from my iPad and present it later and so can the kids. I know they still use it for games and videos, but I see a change once they start to get into school and they switch the focus of the iPad to school than just entertainment. 

This is my iPad and me! lol


  1. I just got my iPad a week ago and I LOVE it! It is so easy to take notes on, and I have an apple pencil too! It's so nice to do my quizzes on and I can save as PDFs to send in to my professors! It was a little difficult to get used to but once I got it, it was so nice!


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