How might a teacher design the learning experience to include digital devices?

Going through school when computers and different technologies were just starting to become more prominent in schools and teaching has shown me how much technology can change the classroom. One thing that I have learned is that as a teacher, you can incorporate digital devices into your classroom to enhance the students' learning. While in EDCI 232, I have learned about so many new technologies that I can incorporate into my lessons fro the students to really get engaged with the material. One thing I can include, or at least try to if the school has them or the budget, is Chromebooks for the students. Just having the students be able to access the internet all at once to work on projects is great. I might design a lesson that has the students making an infographic on a science lesson we just talked about. To present the material that they have created on the Chromebooks, they can screen-record right there on the Chromebook. There is really no limit to including digital devices into the learning experience, especially in today's era of technology. Another great tool, which once again might be hard to get, is a set of iPads for the class. You can include them in language arts lessons and have students in the back listening to the book through the IPad. This device can also be a great opportunity for kids in the class to showcase their creativity and art skills if they want to use the iPad for a project. Technology has come so far in just the past couple of years. We have smart boards and pretty much hand-held laptops at the tip of our fingers with our iPhones and to think that they have such an impact on education in just a short amount of time is crazy. Technology will keep progressing and there will be even more things and devices to add into your classroom. We already have such a wide array of choices now that adding digital devices into a lesson is not hard. This is also a great way to get the kids really engaged in the learning and interested in the material.


  1. Hello Elizabeth,
    I chose the same topic and I agree that smartboards, chrome books, and iPads are almost like a necessity in the classroom now. With technology constantly progressing, I believe that it is important to keep progressing with these opportunities provided for students. I believe that technology being provided, specifically in the past two years due to Covid, it is important to keep pushing to progress.
    I believe that technology will be even more advanced even in a couple of years when we are full time teachers, and its important to take advantage of the opportunities.
    Thank you for sharing your ideas!

  2. Hello Elizabeth,
    I also chose the same topic as you and I agree that ipads and chrome books are a necessity in every classroom. Technology is only going to keep getting better with time and it is very important that we keep up with it in our classrooms. It helps engage the students and will keep them busy if they can take it home!


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