
How might a teacher design the learning experience to include digital devices?

Going through school when computers and different technologies were just starting to become more prominent in schools and teaching has shown me how much technology can change the classroom. One thing that I have learned is that as a teacher, you can incorporate digital devices into your classroom to enhance the students' learning. While in EDCI 232, I have learned about so many new technologies that I can incorporate into my lessons fro the students to really get engaged with the material. One thing I can include, or at least try to if the school has them or the budget, is Chromebooks for the students. Just having the students be able to access the internet all at once to work on projects is great. I might design a lesson that has the students making an infographic on a science lesson we just talked about. To present the material that they have created on the Chromebooks, they can screen-record right there on the Chromebook. There is really no limit to including digital device

Technology we can't live without

  Think about something they use every day, a tool or technology you cannot live without. Then, think about a time in which the item was new to you.  How did you learn to use it?  How has their use of the tool changed over time? One thing comes to mind when you ask about something kids use everyday and a technology  I can't live without and that is my iPad . I use my iPad everyday whether that be videos or writing my blog, I always have my iPad. Same with most of the kids now. Many of them have their iPads that have their games and their photos and their google apps for school, but you never see them without it.  I had gotten my first iPad when I was a Freshman in high school. I had just gotten and iPhone maybe two to three years prior to getting my iPad, so learning the new device was simple. I could never understand  all the updates though. My iPad was constantly updating and it was frustrating  because all  I wanted was to write on my iPad. I learned to use my iPad mostly from f

Introduction and Welcome!

Hello everyone and welcome! First off my name is Elizabeth Minut and I am currently a second year student at Ashland University. I am currently studying Early Childhood Education with an Intervention Specialist. My dream field range would be anywhere from kindergarten to second grade. Some other interesting facts that you like might to know is that I have been dancing for 17 years and it is one of my biggest passions in life, besides teaching of course! I love reading and I will quiet honestly read anything, but I do love a good fantasy book if I had to pick one. I can not wait to start this school year and get to know each and everyone of you!!!         Please do not forget to sign up for the class remind. The link is below to add yourself to the class. I also already have some messages posted for you!